I posted this on my eft blog - Yet I think as many people as possible should read this :
Since Gary Craig announced his retirement on I’ve been wondering what is the future for Emotional Freedom Techniques and the EFT community at large?
I am pretty new to EFT and its community. Yet, the out pouring of help and friendliness has been astounding. Especially on twitter. I’m loving my journey and so are others that I’ve already introduced and taught the Emotional Freedom Techniques to. However, I already fear for its future. I already see the fragmentation of a great community and its learning resources. I’m from an NLP and hypnosis background. This looks very familiar.
NLP was the child of Richard Bandler and John Grinder. These two for years had a spat. NLP and its community was divided. There were questions over the future of NLP, what should or should not be taught and how it should be taught. It even came down to who actually created NLP. Who will lead the EFT community now? There are some recognised big players that I think we all know. There are also many, many smaller players. Everybody has something important to add to the EFT community and EFT’s skill and technique development.
Although EFT had its beginnings from other techniques and technologies. Gary codified the essence into something simple and easy that we have all been able to easily learn and apply to our lives and those of others. He developed and galvanised the EFT community into what it is today. Who wants to take that mantle now?…ME for one! I certainly want to play my part. Watch this space for more info.
Associations and Trainings
The NLP and hypnosis community is full of schools, academies, experts and ‘governing bodies’ who hand out qualifications as if they are going out of fashion. If you’re any good, people send you their qualifications in the post. There are ‘universities’ of hypnosis. Yet, they are not real universities. It seems very easy, certainly in the UK and the US to set yourself up as a school, academy, institute or training body. Each town or state has its own school of hypnosis it seems. Is this the route that we want EFT to go?
If you are in private practice,you must have public liability insurance. Yet, no government is taking a leading role in how EFT, hypnosis et al, should be taught or governed. We have to become our own police. I certainly don’t want creativity and EFT’s future development skill and development to be stifled.
What makes one person able to teach over another? What makes one person an expert? For me, it is not pieces of paper. It is a willingness to do and a confidence. That is far more important that a certificate. Yet, this is one to ask you clients – why did you choose me over another EFT practioner?
Will all future school and bodies gather together to come up with a recognised curriculum and maybe a certificate? Yet, what real value will it hold? Or will everybody go hell or leather and we’ll see who survives? I’m belittling any qualifications that you may have, yet this seems all very “schoolish”. Go to school, get a qualification, get a good paying job. I just don’t think that doctrine applies much any more. Yet, many of us, still spout it as law.
Skills and Techniques
There are the basics of EFT which I believe we all know. They will remain so. Not everybody has seen Gary’s DVDs. Yes, they are a great training aid. I hope that they stay around, so that we can enjoy them into the future. I’m sure others, myself included will produce our own training DVDs and other material. For me there are so many things missing or, I’ve yet to find others whom talk, produce or blog about what I think could and can be added to EFT to advance it.
Where to hang out now?
As you will notice, this blog is very,very new. Less than a week old. It is not the finished article by a long shot. Yet I just had to get this out. Content and discussion is far more important that design.
I want to know your opinion. There is the newly created forums, found here. It is a slow start,but we will wait and sees if it is successful. I was already thinking to add my own forum section on this blog before I started it. Yet, I’ll hold onto that idea for the time being. It is easier enough to add it if you the reader wants it.
The Future of EFT
One thing that seems to not have happened is, nobody is asking what do you want the future of EFT and its community to be like? We are at a cross roads for EFT and its community. We all, no matter how big or how small, whatever your level of involvement with EFT have something very important to contribute to EFT and its future.
For me there are several things I’d like to see coming to the community in the future.
A World EFT day – If you are in the community and have had personal success. EFT is all you think about. Yet, nobody else knows about it, or actually really cares. EFT is just a tool to solve a presenting issue. Clients and you don’t care as long as your problem or issue is resolved. It’s time we raised or continued to raise its profile to the general public. A date needs to be selected so that it EFT can be easily applied to things going on year on year.
A live EFT World Summit or Conference – Yes, there was the recent virtual EFT World Summit. I do believe we could have a ‘live’ event. With today’s technology it would be very easy to make the live version, go virtual so those that could not travel, could still participate.
Over to you, please comment below.
What do you think is the future of EFT?
How do you want EFT and its community to evolve from here?
What is missing?
Happy Travels, oh and welcome to!
Changing the World, One Tap At A Time