By prosperity do not just read MONEY. It is 101 truths that apply to all areas that make up a truly prosperous life.
For me Randy's whole Prosperity Series is something I read at least once a year. With each new year, I'm futher along my path to the prosperity level that I want. A new point always stands out for me each time I read the series. Or maybe at that point I'm ready to hear that particular message and truly make it part of my daily life and thoughts.
I think it is worth reading as part of the whole series, but not just on its own. Although idea No.3 will let you achieve all that you want. I think most people will want more instruction on how to imbibe these rules and ideas so that they become part of their being and not just an ethereal idea or concept.
This is not just directed at Randy, yet it is very common with many books. The authours present great ideas and concepts, yet little in the way of how to make the concepts and ideas part of your everyday way of being.
Once you have read the other books in Randy's prosperity series, these salient points are very easy to understand and begin to take on. Yet, I'm not certain that this book stands on its own. It could have done with some examples. i.e. when you're told don't affirm lack. I know most people don't understand, grasp or 'do' this principle.
How do I know?
They don't have everything they want in there life. Plain and Simple.
My advice, get the whole Prosperity Series and make it part of your yearly reading. Not just this single book.
Happy Travels

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