Monday 12 January 2009

Review - Abraham Hick - Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness (DVD)

Well this all started because for several weeks leading up to Christmas I kept seeing the book version of this in the same shop that I often go into. Several times I would look at it, pick it up, turn it over, mull over the idea of making a purchase and then put it down again, and walk out the shop.

Well, curiosity, synchronicity or the fear of somebody else buying it got the better of me. I got the DVD version. I know, I know - see the book, buy the DVD. It makes perfect sense?

I knew about Jerry and Ester from watching The Secret. I'm pretty sure this has exploded their fan base. I tried to read their book, The Law of Attraction shortly after seeing them in The Secret. I just couldn't get into it. For me, it was too disjointed, It all seemed like one huge transcript of conversations. I just couldn't follow it. In the end I gave up.

Well the DVD version is talks by Esther or "Abraham" who talks through Esther. Abraham is something, being, entity from the Universe. Whether you believe in that or not go with it. These are taken from talks they give around the US. The words and monologues that Esther relays are often quite profound and if you are open to them make a lot of sense. Other times she is answering questions from people who are attending their seminars.

The whole DVD can be summed up as follows : Tell it the way you want it, not the way, it is and keep saying it until you achieve what you want!

Abraham's take on the news and the media is excellent, very true. If you don't think so. He says, the news you see and here,is just a minute blip on the 'news' radar for that moment in time. Try telling somebody that who watches the news on the television. See how strongly they argue against it. Or at least that was my experience. Their final thought is excellent and very true. I'll let you discover it for yourself. All I'll say is you will catch yourself. I did and do.

There is much repetition of ideas and thoughts, throughout the video. On the first viewing, I thought come on! Subsequent viewings I had the following thought well yes, of course there needs to be this repetition. You may already know much of these ideas and Abraham would say that you do. Yet, you're not living them or you don't believe them. You don't truly believe you can have, do and be anything you want, otherwise you would! Simple as that. You will I have no doubt need to watch this multiple times. Why, because you've had a life time of negative programming to the contrary.

If you have found yourself struggling to read the hard copy. Get the DVD, it is a great way to begin to understand what Abraham and Hicks are all about.

Happy Travels


Link : My Review - Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness (Book)

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