I've been thinking about this statement alot recently - we live in an abundant universe.
I've noticed that when we are stuck in an area of our lives, we think or forget that we really do live in an abundant world and universe or we focus on an area of our life, where we think we lack something or are not at a level we would like to be at.
I go walking at least once a day and I the last few days I've really been looking for signs of abundance. Somethings I've noticed. There is loads and loads of abundance around us all.
There is an abundance of :
Then I had a real thought there must be an abundance of money and wealth, why?
There is an abundance of shops and
There are many, many more employed people than unemployed, so there must be an abundance of money. You may not be experiencing money and wealth at a level that you want to right now, but if you begin to notice there is abundance in many areas of your life, the other areas will soon catch up.
I now know there is an abundance of money and wealth around me all the time.
Happy Travels
Monday, 22 September 2008
Affirmation - I Live And Have A Wonderful Life
I was listening to an audio recording by Randy Gage this morning. I really like listening to Randy. He always seems to make so much sense to me. Even though much of what he says you and I have no doubt heard before. His delivery style just suits me.
I was listening to him talk and for what ever reason he was relating a story when he just said I have and live a wonderful life. It struck me. I've not said that in ages. In fact I can't tell you the last time I thought that I had such a wonderful life.
This got me thinking. What am I saying or perhaps more importantly not saying to myself? After all, your words are your thought and images in your mind projected into reality. Your words quickly follow through and become your actions. I then thought about Jack Canfield. When he talks he says, I live the life most people dream of. I have a $4.5 dollar mansion, a wife to die for. I holiday all around the world etc.
Even though I know you get what you focus on, I don't always consciously realise what I am focusing on. I just think my results (focus) stink! Yet how powerful must I be to get the results I am getting? Yes, there may be a tussle between what I am saying, what I think and what I see in my outer world. Yet I actually think it can only help but change my results.
That truly is power and you have it too. My mission for the rest of the week is to remind myself often I have and live a wonderful life. The really, really exciting question is, what will I now manifest as a result of my changed words. I can wait!! Helllo World
Happy Travels
Friday, 19 September 2008
Blogging from inside a Company? Remove the disclaimer text
I find myself at a company doing some fun things. I thought I'd send a blog post via their email client...ssh..
Alas the email message is appending with a disclaimer. How to post to your blog and not include the disclaimer text?
Compose your email, the once you have said all you want to say. Your final line must be
Of Course you could set up a 'blogging' template that always includes this line in the body
Happy Travels
Thursday, 18 September 2008
You Tube Video+Sage RSS Feed - No Video
If you use the Sage RSS Reader in Firefox, as I do, I've noticed on my previous post. The Video doesn't show up.

Yet if you click on the title and go to my blog web page it shows up:

If you use a web based reader like Google Reader, the video shows up.

I don't know why this is happen, I think it is something to do with Sage. Yet I don't know what yet. I still like sage though as it is so unobtrusive.
Happy Travels
If you use the Sage RSS Reader in Firefox, as I do, I've noticed on my previous post. The Video doesn't show up.

Yet if you click on the title and go to my blog web page it shows up:

If you use a web based reader like Google Reader, the video shows up.

I don't know why this is happen, I think it is something to do with Sage. Yet I don't know what yet. I still like sage though as it is so unobtrusive.
Happy Travels
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Energy Company Walks All The Way To The Bank - It's Not Easy Being Green
If you needed another reason to turn off the television to stop your social programming this is it.
This advert is an excellent piece of marketing. Think about it. In the UK, we are being bombarded by the media about prices rising for everything, including fuel and energy costs.
Yet EDF Energy are telling you it's not easy being green. They do this with a song. Excellent. Without realising it, an energy company is telling you, you can't be green. A catchy tune by-passes all your critical factors.
Although they offer ways to cut your bills, and prevent climate change. Yet, prices still rise. I would love to see there profits at the end of the campaign.
Whilst I applaud there efforts in helping the consumer, cut their carbon footprint etc. You only have to fly over any major city at night and the business district is lit up like a Christmas tree. Come on businesses, time to step up. Yet the government will not challenge a business, why? Cash.
Happy Travels
If you needed another reason to turn off the television to stop your social programming this is it.
This advert is an excellent piece of marketing. Think about it. In the UK, we are being bombarded by the media about prices rising for everything, including fuel and energy costs.
Yet EDF Energy are telling you it's not easy being green. They do this with a song. Excellent. Without realising it, an energy company is telling you, you can't be green. A catchy tune by-passes all your critical factors.
Although they offer ways to cut your bills, and prevent climate change. Yet, prices still rise. I would love to see there profits at the end of the campaign.
Whilst I applaud there efforts in helping the consumer, cut their carbon footprint etc. You only have to fly over any major city at night and the business district is lit up like a Christmas tree. Come on businesses, time to step up. Yet the government will not challenge a business, why? Cash.
Happy Travels
Monday, 15 September 2008
Do you think everything will fail?
I've been playing with things recently at it got me thinking.
When you have a project, do you immediately think of all the good that can come from it? Or, do you think of all the reasons why it can't happen?
If you think of all the reasons why it can't happen do the following exercises to get you out of your stuck state
A website for the 'what ifers' can be found here.
Happy Travels
I've been playing with things recently at it got me thinking.
When you have a project, do you immediately think of all the good that can come from it? Or, do you think of all the reasons why it can't happen?
If you think of all the reasons why it can't happen do the following exercises to get you out of your stuck state
- List 100 reasons why it might come to you quickly, easily
- List 100 positive 'what if' it really happens
A website for the 'what ifers' can be found here.
Happy Travels
Email to Blogger from Lotus Notes
After my recent post about blogging to blogger with Thunderbird. I find myself using a Lotus Notes Client to I thought I'd give this a go too. Notes has for many years been my email client of daily activity. For me it still has the best personal address book. (6.5 Version) . The sooner there is an address book standard as there is ical for calendars the better!
The only real downside I've seen with using an email client is the unavailability to add labels or tags to your post . That and if you add screenshots to a post, you have to attach the image as part of the email as well. A minor price to pay.
So with Notes.
Add blogger specific email address to your address book.
Type away and send

You still have to send screenshots as attachments. Then publish your post as normal.
Happy Travels
After my recent post about blogging to blogger with Thunderbird. I find myself using a Lotus Notes Client to I thought I'd give this a go too. Notes has for many years been my email client of daily activity. For me it still has the best personal address book. (6.5 Version) . The sooner there is an address book standard as there is ical for calendars the better!
The only real downside I've seen with using an email client is the unavailability to add labels or tags to your post . That and if you add screenshots to a post, you have to attach the image as part of the email as well. A minor price to pay.
So with Notes.
Add blogger specific email address to your address book.
Type away and send

You still have to send screenshots as attachments. Then publish your post as normal.
Happy Travels
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Attractor Factor Challenge
I've been reading and listening to lots of Joe Vitale's stuff recently. I've really enjoyed his Attractor Factor and the newer clearing techniques that I've been using. He had the New Car Challenge some time ago. I wonder if it is time for a new challenge?
What could I accomplish over 30 days, using the attractor factor principles?
Why 30 days? The world seems to run on 30 day challenges and monthly statements. 30 days is long enough to notice growth and change, yet no so long that it becomes a bore.
I keep wondering how much could I accomplish if I really, really did everything I could. All the action I'm expected to take and following through on all my little hunches, or as Joe calls them, Inspired Action.
I must admit I'm not the greatest fan of the word challenge. I'm not challenging the principles of the attractor factor. The challenge is me. It is my challenges. The challenges are within me. I wonder what could really happen if I really challenged myself, to do all that I could to achive my goals. mmm....
First thing that comes up is....what about those around me. Time to give up on what they are thinking about what I am doing and start doing things because I want to. Happy Days!
Joe often says dare something worthy. I think my goals are worthy. He also says think about what you really want, then something bigger. I think my goals are big enough already. What does a 6 bedroom apartment achieve over a 3 bedroom apartment? Certainly when you don't have your own apartment to begin with. More guests, more people over for dinner?
I have the following thought playing in my mind people often over estimate what they can achieve in a year and under estimate what you can achieve in 10. Is that not an example of a limiting decision? You said that was true?
I don't know if such a thing exists, yet I'm open to people who would like to join me. We become members of our own mastermind group?
Initial Thoughts
Any thing you want to achive is pefectly valid and within your reach. I really do believe you can have, do and be anything you want. I'll encourage as much as I know I can and how.
You must commit to doing something towards your goal or goals each or every few days. You must record what you did. Not only will this force you to do something You'll also be able to see how far you have come from starting on day 1.
A google search did yield the follow experiment.
Let me know if you're interested or there is something already going on.
Happy Travels
( I read over this I thought, how could I hook this all into Google Docs...don't know why, just did.)
I've been reading and listening to lots of Joe Vitale's stuff recently. I've really enjoyed his Attractor Factor and the newer clearing techniques that I've been using. He had the New Car Challenge some time ago. I wonder if it is time for a new challenge?
What could I accomplish over 30 days, using the attractor factor principles?
Why 30 days? The world seems to run on 30 day challenges and monthly statements. 30 days is long enough to notice growth and change, yet no so long that it becomes a bore.
I keep wondering how much could I accomplish if I really, really did everything I could. All the action I'm expected to take and following through on all my little hunches, or as Joe calls them, Inspired Action.
I must admit I'm not the greatest fan of the word challenge. I'm not challenging the principles of the attractor factor. The challenge is me. It is my challenges. The challenges are within me. I wonder what could really happen if I really challenged myself, to do all that I could to achive my goals. mmm....
First thing that comes up is....what about those around me. Time to give up on what they are thinking about what I am doing and start doing things because I want to. Happy Days!
Joe often says dare something worthy. I think my goals are worthy. He also says think about what you really want, then something bigger. I think my goals are big enough already. What does a 6 bedroom apartment achieve over a 3 bedroom apartment? Certainly when you don't have your own apartment to begin with. More guests, more people over for dinner?
I have the following thought playing in my mind people often over estimate what they can achieve in a year and under estimate what you can achieve in 10. Is that not an example of a limiting decision? You said that was true?
I don't know if such a thing exists, yet I'm open to people who would like to join me. We become members of our own mastermind group?
Initial Thoughts
Any thing you want to achive is pefectly valid and within your reach. I really do believe you can have, do and be anything you want. I'll encourage as much as I know I can and how.
You must commit to doing something towards your goal or goals each or every few days. You must record what you did. Not only will this force you to do something You'll also be able to see how far you have come from starting on day 1.
A google search did yield the follow experiment.
Let me know if you're interested or there is something already going on.
Happy Travels
( I read over this I thought, how could I hook this all into Google Docs...don't know why, just did.)
My Vision Board Goes Mobile
I've blogged before about vision boards. I love them as a constant unconscious reminder of my goals and why I'm doing things. Recently I've been playing around with my vision board. I've found that if I'm somewhere often i.e in front of my laptop, I like to have a constant reminder of what I'm wanting to attract into my life. My laptop wallpaper use to be a picture of my then dream car. Which I now have. I wanted to place a picture of my complete vision board on my laptop background, yet the pictures I was taking of my board were not doing me or my board justice.
Then I began to think, what do I carry with me often or more than my laptop? My mp3 player, my wallet, a money clip, my mobile phone.
This got me thinking. I've read about goal cards before, yet never really employed them to much extent. This I thought I should change. I wrote down all my goals in the present tense, some with dates and times, some with out. I'm researching/playing with the date and time goal idea. I believe you can get or attract anything you want. Yet I've noticed that a date can become a looming deadline, which if not fulfilled can have a negative effect. You and the universe may have this or something better for you. If you want something you can have it, for what ever reason not today, but tomorrow.
I wrote all my goals out on a pocket mod card. This one small piece of paper I carry with me everywhere in my money clip. I have a money clip because cash is king.
By carrying cash, you quickly and easily loose your emotional attachment to the paper. That way you become and feel more comfortable around money. As previous stated being in Mayfair does wonders to raise your prosperity consciousness. Also the money clip for me is a constant anchor for my success.
I've now moved my vision board into a video format.
I'm using the following software : DVD PhotoSlide Show. I really like this software because
My end outcome photographs I like to use Jupiter Images and Jupiter Unlimited . There are many royalty free sites. Yet I just keep coming back to these two. I also made sure there was many smiling happy pictures of me in there too. I think that is really important.
For the music, I grabbed a great hi energy loop from here Flashkit.
I watch my little film at least twice a day. 1st and last thing. The music gets me into an excellent feeling. I can't but help attract everything I want into my life quickly and easily.
The out put to mp3 player for me has just been fantastic. Now where ever I go if, I have a spare 5 minutes I can grab my mp3 player and watch my 'live' vision board. If you have issues converting the video to fit on your screen. Check out this excellent little app, Pocket Divx Encoder.
Happy Travels
I've blogged before about vision boards. I love them as a constant unconscious reminder of my goals and why I'm doing things. Recently I've been playing around with my vision board. I've found that if I'm somewhere often i.e in front of my laptop, I like to have a constant reminder of what I'm wanting to attract into my life. My laptop wallpaper use to be a picture of my then dream car. Which I now have. I wanted to place a picture of my complete vision board on my laptop background, yet the pictures I was taking of my board were not doing me or my board justice.
Then I began to think, what do I carry with me often or more than my laptop? My mp3 player, my wallet, a money clip, my mobile phone.
This got me thinking. I've read about goal cards before, yet never really employed them to much extent. This I thought I should change. I wrote down all my goals in the present tense, some with dates and times, some with out. I'm researching/playing with the date and time goal idea. I believe you can get or attract anything you want. Yet I've noticed that a date can become a looming deadline, which if not fulfilled can have a negative effect. You and the universe may have this or something better for you. If you want something you can have it, for what ever reason not today, but tomorrow.
I wrote all my goals out on a pocket mod card. This one small piece of paper I carry with me everywhere in my money clip. I have a money clip because cash is king.
By carrying cash, you quickly and easily loose your emotional attachment to the paper. That way you become and feel more comfortable around money. As previous stated being in Mayfair does wonders to raise your prosperity consciousness. Also the money clip for me is a constant anchor for my success.
I've now moved my vision board into a video format.
I'm using the following software : DVD PhotoSlide Show. I really like this software because
- It is very simple to use
- You can add Music to play in the background
- Output to multiple formats...PC, web site DVD and the best for me, video mp3 player
My end outcome photographs I like to use Jupiter Images and Jupiter Unlimited . There are many royalty free sites. Yet I just keep coming back to these two. I also made sure there was many smiling happy pictures of me in there too. I think that is really important.
For the music, I grabbed a great hi energy loop from here Flashkit.
I watch my little film at least twice a day. 1st and last thing. The music gets me into an excellent feeling. I can't but help attract everything I want into my life quickly and easily.
The out put to mp3 player for me has just been fantastic. Now where ever I go if, I have a spare 5 minutes I can grab my mp3 player and watch my 'live' vision board. If you have issues converting the video to fit on your screen. Check out this excellent little app, Pocket Divx Encoder.
Happy Travels
My Goals and My Comfort Zone
Now I remember one of my blogging ideas. That I forgot earlier.
I was walking down Oxford Street. I went past Selfridges. Selfridges is a department store that stock main high end brands and goods. As I was walking past the shop I felt uncomfortable.
I think it was because in there are things I want, yet I didn't have the cash on hand for or I guess deep down I wondered whether I was worthy of such things. Being based in Mayfair is excellent for raising your prosperity consciousness and uncovering your stuff that maybe holding you back. Mayfair is without question one of the most affluent areas of London, if not the world. Wonderful houses, cars and beautifully dressed women aplenty.
I then remembered several things. If you don't want to do something or something feels uncomfortable, you should probably do it. So of I charged into Selfridges. I hit the luggage section. I found my favourite brand, Mandarin Duck. I just love my Rich Orange Suitcase. I just walked around the store, looking at this and that. By the end of it, I thought this is just another department store. Tomorrow, I'm going back to the store, talking to people and trying things on. Let's raise that level!
There is an Aston Martin dealer just around the corner...maybe I'll put in an appearance in there too.
Happy Travels
Now I remember one of my blogging ideas. That I forgot earlier.
I was walking down Oxford Street. I went past Selfridges. Selfridges is a department store that stock main high end brands and goods. As I was walking past the shop I felt uncomfortable.
I think it was because in there are things I want, yet I didn't have the cash on hand for or I guess deep down I wondered whether I was worthy of such things. Being based in Mayfair is excellent for raising your prosperity consciousness and uncovering your stuff that maybe holding you back. Mayfair is without question one of the most affluent areas of London, if not the world. Wonderful houses, cars and beautifully dressed women aplenty.
I then remembered several things. If you don't want to do something or something feels uncomfortable, you should probably do it. So of I charged into Selfridges. I hit the luggage section. I found my favourite brand, Mandarin Duck. I just love my Rich Orange Suitcase. I just walked around the store, looking at this and that. By the end of it, I thought this is just another department store. Tomorrow, I'm going back to the store, talking to people and trying things on. Let's raise that level!
There is an Aston Martin dealer just around the corner...maybe I'll put in an appearance in there too.
Happy Travels
Blogging With Thunderbird
After my earlier post about posting off-line. I'm now playing with Thunderbird. After following the following instructions on updating my settings in Blogger. All so far seems to be going well. It is pretty easy. I've not off-line easy access to compose my posts. Only time will tell if this is the way I go full time. Yet in the short term I'm liking it so far.
Yes, I know that I've url links to other websites. These are added when I'm back connected to the internet. A small price I think to be able to blog off-line.
Unlike W.Blogger, I get a UK dictionary too.
So how about a screen shot? Then I think I'm complete?

For my screen shots as in my earlier post above. I'm using FSCaptuure. I'm a lover of Snagit, yet FSCapture can be run from a usb stick too.
Happy Travels
After my earlier post about posting off-line. I'm now playing with Thunderbird. After following the following instructions on updating my settings in Blogger. All so far seems to be going well. It is pretty easy. I've not off-line easy access to compose my posts. Only time will tell if this is the way I go full time. Yet in the short term I'm liking it so far.
Yes, I know that I've url links to other websites. These are added when I'm back connected to the internet. A small price I think to be able to blog off-line.
Unlike W.Blogger, I get a UK dictionary too.
So how about a screen shot? Then I think I'm complete?

For my screen shots as in my earlier post above. I'm using FSCaptuure. I'm a lover of Snagit, yet FSCapture can be run from a usb stick too.
Happy Travels
OffLine Bloging in a 5 * Hotel
As I was walking the great Oxford Street in London. I did have an excellent idea for a blog post or 3, yet they now escape me.
I find myself toady in the following Marriot Hotel, Grosvenor House. As hotels go it isn't too bad. Yet compared to other 5 * Hotels. I actually think it is pretty average. From my hotel experience I'm wanting more than just a hello and a comfortable bed. Although the staff here are very nice and can fulfil all my questions and requests.
Any way I'm writing this with . I like the fact that I can have an offline client on my usb stick. I currently use a Corsair Memory Stick. It suits my needs very well. The support is excellent and for a traveller like me. It has a 10 year warrenty. This has come in very handy when I've pulled, pushed and broken it. It just gets replaced for me.Thanks Corsair. It is quick enough for my needs.
My one grip about w.blogger at the moment is that if I want to create an url link. If I've highlighted some text and select to create the link, it doesn't seem to realize that I want the text I've highlighted to be the url text,
my blog

I'm expecting the text to be picked up somewhere. I hope it is just a setting somewhere. Only option seems to be US English or an English version. Does anybody have any other recommendatsion for a usb blog editor?
I'm use to using Zoundry. Which I liked. Yet I wanted a offline usb client. Early days, we'll see how we get on. I might have a look and see if Google themselves do an offline editor. Maybe I can hook it into Google Docs in someway or maybe Thuderbird.
I'm sure a quick Google Search will reveal all.
Happy Travels
As I was walking the great Oxford Street in London. I did have an excellent idea for a blog post or 3, yet they now escape me.
I find myself toady in the following Marriot Hotel, Grosvenor House. As hotels go it isn't too bad. Yet compared to other 5 * Hotels. I actually think it is pretty average. From my hotel experience I'm wanting more than just a hello and a comfortable bed. Although the staff here are very nice and can fulfil all my questions and requests.
Any way I'm writing this with . I like the fact that I can have an offline client on my usb stick. I currently use a Corsair Memory Stick. It suits my needs very well. The support is excellent and for a traveller like me. It has a 10 year warrenty. This has come in very handy when I've pulled, pushed and broken it. It just gets replaced for me.Thanks Corsair. It is quick enough for my needs.
My one grip about w.blogger at the moment is that if I want to create an url link. If I've highlighted some text and select to create the link, it doesn't seem to realize that I want the text I've highlighted to be the url text,
my blog

I'm expecting the text to be picked up somewhere. I hope it is just a setting somewhere. Only option seems to be US English or an English version. Does anybody have any other recommendatsion for a usb blog editor?
I'm use to using Zoundry. Which I liked. Yet I wanted a offline usb client. Early days, we'll see how we get on. I might have a look and see if Google themselves do an offline editor. Maybe I can hook it into Google Docs in someway or maybe Thuderbird.
I'm sure a quick Google Search will reveal all.
Happy Travels
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