I've starting to clear up, as Raymond Aaron would call it one of my messes. (Change doesn't have to be chaos). I am going through my mp3 player and listening to things that I have copied onto it and not listened to yet. Some mp3s can and have sat on my player for months and months and still never get listened to.
I had a spare hour the other day and listened to a track called Self Love by Dave Wygant. This is an audio track that is from his No Excuses package. I've not listen to this yet.
The Self Love Track is just under an hour long. It is aimed at men, yet the information could easily apply to women and children as well.
Dave is very direct in his language, he can and does swear. Not my cup of, yet as a speaker he is very engaging and direct. He had me laughing to myself as I was walking in the sunshine. Always an excellent sign. Being miserable does take a lot of effort.
I would say that not loving yourself, is perhaps the biggest missing secret in this whole law of attraction thing or getting what you want. Did you read that? Not loving yourself is stopping you big time.
Your biggest problem is your ego. The best thing you can do is leave it at the door!
Dave asks some very probing questions, that you really should take the time to answer.
i.e How do I judge myself?
What am I jealous of?
Since you now journal, are you recording your daily wins? Who did you meet? What did you share? How and what did you both win?
He recites one of the best answers I've every heard for what love is. This inspirational piece is worth the cost of the product alone!. If you're in a relationship, if this doesn't spark something within you. All I can say is there must be dead people on better form! Loving yourself is the best love affair you can have!
Listening to this I think will give you a wake up call. Remember if anything comes up, you can realease it easily and quickly with EFT.
Even though I do no love myself I deeply and completely, love forgive and accept myself.
Happy Travels
p.s. He also has products for women too. here.
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