I signed up for Twitter. Think of Twitter as text messaging for the internet.
I use Skype lots. Skype is a telephone application that uses your internet connection. If you are in contact with somebody else and you both use Skype to talk to each other, the call is free. If like me you travel it is brilliant.
When I'm looking for new applications or ways to save me time. I look for several things.
1. Can I use the application with and via email? i.e. if I need to add something or use the system. Can I update it via email? Thus I don't have to log into their website all the time to use it.
2. Can I view the application data with my desktop/web email client?
3. Does the application hook into my email calendar?
4. Can I use Skype with it to add or receive updates?
Twitter allows me to update my status via Skype chat messages
How To Do It?
Open up Skype

Click on the Contacts Tab, then the Add button.

In the Add contact box enter twitter4skype and press the Find Button

Once the contact has been found. Press the Add Skype Contact Button

Now you will see a Twitter4Skype in your list of contacts
How To Register And Use With Twitter4Skype

Start a Chat with the twitter4Skype contact, by right clicking on the contact and Select Start Chat
Enter the following information in the chat window
/account (press shift+return)
your twitter account name (press shift+return)
your twitter account password (press shift+return)
Press Return - this sends the message to twitte4skype

The system should return: twitter4skype Registration complete!

When you write a chat to twitter4skype

Twitter4Skype will return a success message when your update has succeeded.
The next time you write a chat message to twitter4skype, the entry will appear as your Twitter message

Happy Travels