Monday 27 October 2008

SMART Goals - Part 2


M Stands for Meaning and Measurable.


Basically when you write out a goal it must be meaningful to YOU. Not what your friends or family want you to do to or achieve. It must be for you. The easiest way I've found to find if it is really meaningful to me is to begin thinking and describing the goal in as much detail as I can possibly think of at that moment. If I don't get myself so excited that I want to rush out and do something towards that goal or go and tell somebody else (don't!) I know it is not something that is meaningful to me.

I've said don't actually go and tell somebody about your goal because more often than not the person you tell will not fully understand why you are doing and wanting that goal and will without realising it do all they can to stop you from achieving what you want.

It must be meaningful to me because if I come across some resistance or block - and you will. I know that I will not accept and realise I have some resistance to achieving my goal. I will then most likely stop myself from going forward.


This simply means - how will you know when you have achieved your goal? What will you see here and feel? This should be the finally step. What is the final thing that will have to happen so that you know you have successfully achieved your goal?

Goal : Holiday in Japan this October 2008

Is this goal meaningful to me. You bet! I've bought guide books, tapes, been before and loved it. I've got some great people out there who I want to see again very soon. I think about Japan often.

What are my possible final end step:
  1. Buying the flight ticket.
  2. Begin sat on the plane.
  3. Walking through the arrivals gate to a see to see of smiling faces.
  4. Passport filled with the immigration stamp.
  5. Being sat down in a restaurant in Shibuya having dinner.

Happy Travels


part 1 here

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