Further to my last post, here . I beginning to think many of our common phrases, beliefs and attitudes are actually misunderstandings, deletions (something is missing i.e. information) and generalisations. So many of us, myself included at times, don't question or want to alter these generalisations, attitudes or beliefs because we don't want to rock the boat or appear different from those around us. Which is great and fantastic if you want to be ordinary. What if like me you want to be extra-ordinary? Is it not those around that often keep us where we are?
I was thinking what is another term, phrase or belief I often hear or I suppose even think in the area of money, wealth and abundance. Those without money tend to make sweeping generalisations about those that do, which then often hold those lacking back from what we actually want, because for us, even though we may want something, it has a negative energy, emotion or hold over us.
According to the On line Etymology Dictionary Greedy means
O.E. grædig "voracious," also "covetous," from P.Gmc. *grædagaz (cf. O.S. gradag, O.N. graðr "greed, hunger"), from base *græduz (cf. Goth. gredus "hunger," O.E. grædum "eagerly"), cognate with Skt. grdh "to be greedy." In Gk., the word was philargyros, lit. "money-loving." Greed is 1609 back-formation. A Ger. word for it is habsüchtig, from haben "to have" + sucht "sickness, disease," with sense tending toward "passion for."
Therefore are we to hate rich people because they are money-loving (how does the phrase money-loving make you feel? ) They have a hunger for money? Or do we not like it because they have a passion for money?
If you have a passion for something or someone, do you not want to do that thing or be with that passion as much as possible? We like to do the things or be around the people we have a passion for. By virtue of having a passion for something or someone, you also attract more of that. Why? because that is what you are thinking of and putting your energy into for much of the time.
Simply put, yet so powerfully and elegantly. You get what you focus on!
Therefore the larger question is how do I/you develop a passion for money? Or anything for that matter. If you have a passion for one thing in your life, then surely you know you can 'do' passion. By this I mean, what if we apply the same, structure, thought patterns, words and actions etc to another area, will we then by copying or modelling develop a 'passion' for something else.
When it comes down to it, rich people aren't greedy, all rich people are passionate about money. If you're aren't passionate about money, do you think that maybe why you don't have as much as you want?
I hear the word mini-series...How to develop a passion for money.
Happy Travels
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