This is a collection of 1hr talks by a variety of people on the subject of vision. By listening to the talks you'll learn what a vision is and is not. How to create and manifest your own vision, maybe even your life purpose.
I thought some talks are better than others. Some speakers are even mentioned by other speakers. Thus there are some speakers on vision who really understand what a vision is and how to create it.
It gave me some people to further research, to enlarge and grow my own already successful vision. I've also learnt a few techniques that will further enhance the coming about of my vision. Some of the talks were very motivating. Some talks seemed to be rehashes of other talks.
Actually how to create and grow your own vision, didn't seem very different once you had heard the process and ideas once. Yet, some of the speakers I think really understood and felt the power of crafting, reading and going over their own vision daily. Or they just explained it with words, phrases and stories that really struck accord with me. This recording is worth listening to if you want a pep talk about vision. Some mentioned the book as a man thinketh, yet I didn't hear the one line that really stood out for me in that book
Be warned there is much talk use of the words uplines and downlines etc. This, I understand comes from the world of Network Marketing and MLM which Randy Gage is king at. That is how he got all these speakers to talk. They are also in this field.
I really liked listening to Richard Brooke and Lisa Jimenez especially. Randy's talk was good too. I thought I knew much of his story and life, no I didn't.
The audio is going out of production very soon, so if you want to, grab it. Now is your chance. It is a shame you can't download the tracks individually and listen to them as and when you want.
The most expensive thing is the cost of not having a dream.
Happy Travels
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