Today's review is a piece of software that quite simple I adore. I've had it running on several of my machines since June 2008. It is called Subliminal Power.
Its purpose is simply to flash positive messages quicker than your eyes can see normally, yet your unconscious mind picks them up through your eyes, since your unconscious mind works much quicker than you do using your conscious mind.
Let me put it another way. Your 'mind' can see things that your eyes don't. i.e. how do you pull back from a bus when you attempt to cross a road? Yet you could swear blind it wasn't there when you just looked down the street, just a moment ago. Your conscious mind didn't see it, yet your unconscious mind did. I hope that makes it easier to understand.
This is the perfect piece of software to have running constantly in the background on your PC or laptop, if you want to change your habits and beliefs or attract something or someone into your life.
How Does It Work?
It is a very small piece of software that runs in the background on your PC screen. The install is quick and easy. Once installed and configured, there is an icon on your task bar, from there you have access to its main functions and settings.

It has a plethora of configuration options.

2.Create Your Own Message Set
3.Select where you want you messages to appear on your screen
4.Contrast - how obvious do yo want the messages to appear on your screen?
5.Message Display frequency and length
6.Play with music - pre-created or your own track - variety of formats
7.Start automatically with Windows
Does it Work?
If you're wanting to attract something new into your life, yet are getting stuck. This could easily be the answer to your prayers. Since this program flashes constantly on your screen, you begin the process of retraining your mind towards the things that you want. Maybe you want a new car, or to take on a belief that you've read, that you know will serve you well.
Many people talk about how running this piece of software in the background they have increased their wealth exponentially. I have too. Yet the real clincher for me that this piece of software works was the following:
When I had was younger, I had the opportunity to learn the piano, yet I never took that chance. As I've gotten older I've seen that the piano is a great social instrument. If you can play it you can always get people to join in and have a dam good time. Especially at weddings!
Well, soon after attending another wedding, I begin thinking about taking up the piano. The problem being I didn't have a piano.
With this piece of software you can create your own messages to begin flashing and begin training you and your mind to attract what you really want.
I simple wrote out a new set of things I want to attract and change in my life. One being
I now own my own piano. It was as simple as that. I had been thinking about a stand-up piano. The ones I'd looked at in shops or in other people's houses had been stand up-right pianos. I actually manifested a baby-grand piano!!.
What did it cost me? It cost me the price of transporting the baby grand from the owner's house to mine. That is it!
The secret to getting the most from the software
For me it has been:
- Write your own messages
- Write out want you want, not what you don't want
- Have the software running constantly
- Only have a few messages repeating. 5-10 max I think. Not 100 at a time.
This I think is always a tricky question to answer. I believe that if you have the software running in the background, you will get what you want. I'd also answer it with another question or two. How long have you not had what you wanted? Do you believe you can get what you want?
If you think that you can get what you want, you will. If you don't, the software must 1st bring you around to the idea that you can get what you want. That is why fewer messages flashing is better, since you'll be retraining yourself, much quicker on those things that REALLY matter.
It is available as an instant download or it can be mailed to you on a CD. The manufacture's support services are excellent too. They always get back to my queries quickly and with a proper answer, not just a thanks for contacting us email.
So, if you want to begin retraining yourself, by no more than sitting in front of your PC or laptop, do yourself the favour and get Subliminal Power, today. Click here. After all, what else do you do in your office and on your PC?
Happy Travels
1 comment:
Hi Andrew
I love manifesting and although I believe, I never had it work for me yet! However, this was only PART of your manifesting your piano wasn't it? Didn't you do other things too? And are you linked to the promoters of this software?!
PS. I need to thank you for introducing me to blogging! It took a while but I'm there now ;-)
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