He details one principle or idea, then explains the idea in further detail. Some you may know, some you will not.
Randy says quite emphatically, he doesn't want to be your guru. Which is actually rather refreshing. Yet, if you want to learn true prosperity and how to manifest wealth and abundance he is certainly somebody I think worthy of further investigation.
Have you noticed how many people are jumping on the how to solve the credit crunch and create true wealth and abundance" band wagon,? Yet they are broke, they can't rub two pence together. I'm sorry for me somebody you really understands wealth, prosperity and abundance has lots of cash...period!!
In a recent emai I received from him he stated the following :
If you want to manifest real abundance in your life, you have to be comfortable spending $60,000 for a watch, $250,000 for a car, or ten grand on a nice pair of custom-made shoes. You have to be able to do that without any of the guilt bullshit that organized religion, the media, and the government want to burden you with to keep you broke. You have to be willing to be selfish. Then, and only then, can you write the big checks to charities, serve causes, and help the people that matter most to you in a meaningful way.
In addition he also says, if you don't have $10 million in cash you're poor! Now that will slap you right in the face I bet. Yet, I love that as a definintion. Isn't that something wonderful to work and play towards?
Randy doesn't need to hold back. He has been, there and done it. Boy has he really done it.
Randy's complete Prosperity Series is something I've read more than once. It is one of the very, very few things that I come back to as each year begins. I do that as a refresher, since I want more money, wealth, prosperity and abundance in my life.
The yearly read is for me a clear indication of how good, relevant and truthful the information is. If you're wanting more money, wealth and abundance in all its forms. It will be for you too.
If you dislike the phrase, yet you are beginning your journey to more prosperity. This will make sense. You'll soon learn why you'll hate that phrase!
Save yourself some money and buy the complete set..
Happy Travels

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