Tuesday 14 August 2007

4HWW - DreamLining Ouch...Something Uncomfortable - How Much!?

So there I was using the Deamlining. Filling out the Dreamline spreadsheet as provided by Set Consulting. Happily going along until I had to put a monetary figure on my Havings, Beings, and Doings. When it all totalled up I was shocked at my TMI (target monthly imcome). I began saying to myself bloody hell. That is expensive..Then I thought hang on a second here. What are you thinking? Remember...your wish is my command etc. To cut it short. My TMI, give or take a few pennies difference is currently what I earn in a year. Then I remembered Doing the Unrealistic is Easier Than Doing the Realistic. One thing about the 4HWW is to push your comfort zone and boundaries. Yet, again, this realisation of a monetary figure will stop many people in there tracks. I then began to think, oh how I could have my beings, doings and havings cheaper. This I quickly threw out as to do it cheaper would not be doing it how I wanted to do it. I then thought, once I've done one of my Doings, Beings or Havings, great. I'll have done something that I really want to do. I can cross it off my Dreamline, yet I'll still be getting the money for my TMI! Therefore very quickly regaining what I've spent out.

If you hit a bumb or an uncomfortable feeling during all the processes. Write down the worst case scenario. What is the worst thing that could happen? Once you've defined that, the problem, doesn't quite seem so large.

What Am I Worth?

Then it really started to get me thinking. If a footballer (soccer) can earn.£676000 or a NBA star can earn $5.356 million. My TMI is certainly smaller. I am then certainly worth at least that much. I can achieve that. Do I, will I not provide as much to people as they do?

The TMI figure will stop many people from moving forward, because they believe they can't have it. If there is any other reason to carry on, it is to prove to myself and yourself that you and I can get it or do it and are worth that much at least! As somebody often says to me. No matter what you think you are, you are always more than that. Worse Case scenario..I sit in my current office and still get paid! Best Case...how do I choose just one option from my Dreamline 6 month list.?

Happy Travels


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