Sunday 7 June 2009

Review - EFT World Summit 2009

The past week or so I've been listening to the recorded teleseminars that made up the recent EFT World Summit 2009, that was organised by Nicolas Ortner et al.

The recordings together made up almost 19 hours of EFT and tapping. Whilst there has been some controversy of its coming to market, found here. I'll leave that to those who want to get caught up in the politics and future use of the subject that is EFT.

There is naturally an introduction to EFT. These can be found all over the Internet. Even if you use EFT regularly. It can only help to go over the basics again.

Many of the faces and voices are well established to those that spend time in the EFT community. There were a few that, I had never heard of before. So this was good for me. Each session was about how to use or how EFT is used in various contexts. i.e. work stress, relationships, determining your life values.

I've heard of the choices method before by Dr. Pat Carrington. Yet, have never really looked into it, discovered or used it any further in my own tappings. I listened to her session on her choices method and thought, well that was nice and thought nothing more of it. Yet, nearly everybody else used and referenced this choices method in their own tapping sequences and procedures quiet heavily.

Without really much conscious thought the choices method has become part of my own tapping. For me the choices method is a half way house or softener between two points.

i.e I can not have X I choose to have X I want X

It has proved invaluable very recently.

I don't think this really is a set of recordings for out of the box beginners. Check out Gary Craig's excellent training CDs. or listen to Carol and Rick's EFTTalk for good intros to the subject. If you are comfortable with the basics of EFT, then this is a pretty good way to expand your repertoire and ideas of what EFT is and how it can be used.

Two people I'd not come across before were Lindsay Kenny and Steve Wells . There application for using EFT: The Ultimate Truth Statement and Using EFT to Determine Your Life Values were excellent and worthy of more than one listen. I will be listening to their sessions again and working my way through all their exercises and information. I'll be checking out their own products too, since the presentations are two areas that I spend my own time thinking over and working through.

As ever I loved listening to Brad Yates, Carol Look, Rick Wilkes . Rick's hour was especially powerful for me, as I had been tapping around an issue/feeling and trying to get rid of it. Carol calls these aspects. i.e you have a problem. Imagine, your problem as a pie. Cut the pie into pieces. Each piece together makes up your whole issue. I'd been tapping on a feeling for two days. Rick gave the exact word to what my feeling was. As soon as I tapped on the exact word, that was my feeling. I got the rush of energy release, that means, yet
yep it's gone! I love those!

The enjoyment of listen can not be applied to all sessions. EFT is all based on emotion and energy. In life there are energy gives and energy suckers. Some of the presentations and speakers were for me, dry, monotone and as I listened I felt the energy being sucked out of me.

I thought I'd give all the speakers the benefit of the doubt, yet, phew...some were really heavy for me to listen to. There techniques and ideas may have been great, yet the presentations just made me want to finish the listening as quickly as possible.

The final recording is setting you up, to do 40 days of continuous tapping. For me this, daily tapping is something I have naturally done. I can often be seen tapping on the train, in a plane, in the car, walking the dog. In fact, I tap everywhere. Since I've had some powerful releases of emotion when I first started 'doing' EFT. I just decided to do it all the time. I did not know there some something official for it, the personal peace procedure.

This deep introspective look inside of yourself, discovering your ultimate truth statements and cleaning up your values, can only become one very powerful clearing tool and release of negative emotion, energy and feelings from your life.

Happy Travels


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