Friday 31 October 2008

4HWW - Overcome Your Fear of Flying


As my journey into the 4 Hour Work Week continues. Another website on the go.

Stop for a moment and think about it. You like the idea of the four hour work week, you want to take some mini retirments, yet you don't like to fly!! I love to fly, yet I've found the below website that will help you if you don't.

The answer. It is here at .

You have a fear of flying, yet don't want to admit it. It stops you in your tracks before you have even taken your first mini retirment. I'll let you into a secret. The fear doesn't come from anywhere else but you. As you think about your fear of flying, you're most likely not sat at the airport right? Yet, your heart is beginning to race, your hands might be starting to sweat. You're tensing up, your gripping the chair your sat in etc. Yet you're not near the airport or plane. In fact how often has not being comfortable about flying stopped you from doing something or getting something. A job promotion, a trip to the world cup?

The fear is all in your mind. Therefore so is the solution! You have to begin retraining your mind and brain to begin to think differently. One of the things I like about the this, is you don't have to say I suffer from or I have a fear of. I know if you're like me and  don't like something it isn't something you talk about. You think about it and then try and ignore it.

The resolution is quick, easy and safe. You can do it in your own home. It uses the change technologies of hypnosis and neuro lingusitic program among others.  Once you easily master this skill just imagine the quamtum leap you can take in your mini retirements. Fiji is nice this time of year or maybe you just want to visit family and friends on the other side of the country.

Happy Travels


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