Tuesday 22 January 2008

Off On My Travels - Yet Not How I Expected

Life can be pretty amazing and cruel sometimes to get things done.

Basically huge discussions and events have gone on here. The upshot being I'm getting on another plane.

If you remember in my recent posts and here.I said I wanted to go back to Japan in February. To be honest I had no idea how this was going to happen. I couldn't even believe I'd put it down.

Well I put it on my vision board. I wrote my goal out. I talked as if I was going (looked at a photograph of a friend of mine who lives there and I said . I'll see you soon, I'm coming for your birthday). I got all very excited, lots of good positive emotive power. It makes me wonder because at times I've added extras to I'll just be in Japan as I've thought about achieving my outcome..

I'm blown away with the fact that I'm going to be there. If the add-ons come true as well...OMG!! My other outcomes for the year are oh so easy to achieve now. This to me seemed to be the 'hardest' item to achieve. Bang here it is!


Write down your goal in the present tense. I have I am. If you already had the goal you would be. Talk to somebody who has what you want. How do they talk...in the present tense.

Create a picture of you outcome..you must see it ever day. It doesn't have to be a vision board. Mobile phone wallpaper? A great place for photographs is here at EveryStockPhoto .

Go for a walk and talk about the goal and why it is so great having already achieved it. Say Thank You many times.

Oh when do I leave..Saturday!

Happy Travels


Technorati : ,

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