Friday 14 September 2007

4HWW - A Believing Moment

Firstly, thanks to all you have been emailing me and filling in the form concerning my ebooks. All very much appreciated.

An aha moment. I was driving along going to work and listening to some stuff by Mike Dooley . He was giving his take on beliefs and changing them, taking on new ones. I've normally just concentrated on the inner workings of my mind. Changing the pictures, sounds etc. Not so much the actions of what I'm doing. Then it really hit me. Although I have been taking action, it doesn't mean it is action expecting my end goal.

House Hunting

I'm wanting my own house. For some reason in my mind. I'm thinking of a house that costs a certain amount of cash and has a number of bedroom and a kitchen of a certain type. As one of my actions I would search property websites. Yet I wouldn't narrow down my search to the exact criteria of what I want or expect. I'd look at all houses and flats. Therefore I'm going yes I want a flat or a house..yet actually, just give me a house or flat. Not an open plan flat with 3 bedrooms costing X and large tall windows that the sun shines through. In addition Mike mentioned about doing actions that you would do once you would have manifested or got the goal. I've know this as the As If Frame..yet it had never really sunk in.I.E. for my house, let's go to the area, catch up with a friend, have a cheeky pint in a bar in the area that I want to live in. Again, I'm building up expectation of having the end result.

This makes taking a next action step much easier..

A Hop Skip and A Jump

1. What things would you do once you have achieved your goal?

2. What actions would you do to plan or prepare for you end goal?


What actions did I take this morning?

I restructured my property web search criteria.

I've written the paying in slip for a large amount of money that I'll very soon be putting into my bank account.

I've emailed a friend of mine so, that we can catch up for a drink in the area that I want to live in this weekend.

I've emailed a magazine editor asking for guidelines on article submission.

I've written the email telling people I've moved to my new flat.

I've set up an account with and gone through the list so that as soon as I know the complete address. They'll notify all my account holding companies to alter my mailing address.

Tonight I go over my vision board and with each of my goals and creating next action/as if steps. What will I do once I've achieved my goal? What things will I be doing and or saying? If you can't take some action, there must be some planning that you can do. As an example I'm soon to be travelling again. Yet, where do I want to stay? Which is the best language school in the towns and countries that I'm going to visit next year.

Therefore what is your goal? If you know it is going happen and it will! What things would you do if you already had it? Go on. Take a step. Even something small and simple. Everything is possible. Dare to think differently.

Happy Travels


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