Thursday 9 August 2007

4HWW - The Eyes Have It

In the 4HWW book there is an exercise about looking into people's eyes as you talk to them. This reminded me very much of my Germany Friends, who when we have a drink together, they get very offended that you don't look them in the eye when you toast. Something about 7 years bad sex. Now if that wasn't a good enough reason to look people in the eye, I don't know what would be.

I didn't realise how many times I look away from people. I think I often do it when I'm bored or have nothing more to say, yet, I've to sit and listen. Over the last two days I've made a conscious effort to talk and look at people when I am talking to them and listening to them.

Although It did make me think. This is one of the first exercises in the book. How many people have bought and read the book and haven't done even the first exercise?

Happy Travels


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