Monday 30 July 2007

PhotoReading - Day 28 - The Trick to Money Is Having Some! by Stuart Wilde

Day : Day 28

Time : 1800

Location : Home

Trigger Words : None - Can't remember why, just didn't look for any.

Title : The Trick to Money Is Having Some! - Stuart Wilde

Since reading, watching and hearing The Secret . I've been wrestling, grapping, exploring my beliefs about money. In addition money has been playing on my mind because of my next projects, which I am beginning to comtemplate, once I've finished this...more
later. The Secret on the surface is very, very simple and the whole process is very simple. Without realising I've had great success with the process already. I'm now 'doing' it on purpose. I've created and look at my vision board daily. For myself a missing step I think on why somethings have come to me and others not. Amongst other things, I've written out several cheques to myself and varying amounts for friends and organisation that I wish to contribute to in the near future.

I understand that money, abundance and wealth. As in fact, anything can be attributed to a mindset. This in itself is very difficult for some to understand and grasp. Or even want to belief as it means, they only person who can ever receive 'blame' is them. Even though I understand money, wealth and abundance are a mindset. I just don't always feel it. I've read this book before, yet it went in one ear and out of the other. If wealth is all a mindset, why aren't we all able to grab another mindset and alter our perceptions about money in an instant?

Anyway, I was thinking things about money, yet I wasn't believing them. I wanted to begin to believe them. Since if you belief something, it has a way of actualizing into your life. As they say in The Secret - The Universe can only go Your wish is my command. I was wanting to take on several more positive beliefs about money and wealth, to the point where I believe it. I feel them.

I don't know about you, yet sometimes you hear something and know it, yet you don't believe it. Yet sometimes you'll hear that same information again and it somehow zooms right into your head and band, you oh so get it. You begin to feel it.

That was my overriding experience with this book. I'm so glad. I know all what Stuart writes about, I've heard before, I've read it before, hell I even tell it to others. Yet, certain beliefs never really felt part of me. There were two in this book, that this time, just sunk right in. It's OK and I am worthy to receive free money and it is OK to get money without any effort at all. I super read the whole book and all that I read just built upon these two beliefs. In addition I stopped stressing about my car. If it gets damaged, I'll just go and buy another one.

Recently I've been hearing alot of other people's beliefs about money. If you take the standpoint of the Universe saying your wish is my command...bang..things come true, exactly as you say them. Having taken onboard what Stuart has written about can only accelerate my goals on my vision board into reality, happy days!

Happy Travels


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