Sunday 29 July 2007

PhotoReading - Day 27- Wilhelm Reich - by Charles Rycroft

Day : Day 27

Time : 1400

Location : Home

Trigger Words : 19

Title : Wilhelm Reich - Charles Rycroft

Purpose : I was introduced to Wilhelm Reich on my course. From the little introduction that I had he absolutely fasinated me. Then again, most things about the mind, body, sex and relationships normally do. This was one of the optional books to read. Since I was able to find it for a few pennies I thought why not. My home library is beginning to look like one of those old time professor's that you often see on the television. Shelves of books, all manor and type, taddered and new.

Prepare and Preview: After yesterday's 'slightly poor effort'. I thought I would go back to basics and really prepare and preview. Even got my large A3 sheets of paper out.

I PhotoRead the book and activated all in about 40 minutes. My purpose was perhaps slightly poor as all I really wanted to know what more about Reich and his theories. I didn't have a specific question that I wanted to have answered. I just wanted to know more. Don't you sometimes just get a book, for the sake of reading it. Yet again, is that in itself not a purpose? Do unconscious mind, what is my purpose for this book? Why did it come to me? After all, everything happens for a positive reason.

In the end I really liked this book. Reich was the first, or perhaps the god-father of sexual theory and therapy. There was clear links between him and Freud and yet at the same time, he was already thinking in terms of a mind body connection. Today this is nothing new, yet back then, this was revolutionary. He seems to have been a strong willed man, with a penchant for upsetting people. Although Jewish, didn't much go for the church. Didn't even want them as clients. For him happiness of an individual stems around the organism. Perhaps that explains why I often think men complain about sex and normally the lack of it...Not enough. organisms or happiness. Then again like most things in society, if you tell people things enough times, people take them on as fact to the point where they become beliefs. Why does nobody get a cold in summer? The cough and flu mixtures are still on the shelves.

Happy Travels


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