Wednesday 13 June 2007

PhotoReading - The journey so far.

Dear All,

I sit here with a cheeky beer reflecting on the past days and what I've achieved so far.

PhotoReading holds much promise, yet I do wonder am I PhotoReading the book or skimming the book? Then again I don't want to go back and try the old/normal style of reading that I and most of us do. I don't have the time or inclination.

I've, to my knowledge had no direct learning experiences yet. I've looked at or read more books than I would every normally do in a year, let alone a month. It has only been 15 days, 15 books officially. Not to include emails, magazines and wet sites etc. How much practise did you do in order to be able to walk or talk? PhotoReading is easy in comparison.We've already done the hardest learning we'll ever have to do in our life by the time we are 7 or 8. Despite what teachers and schooling may tell us. Most exams don't actually matter in the real world.

I've noticed that I am sleeping better ie. I may only wake up once during the night and normally not too early. Very often before I would wake up several times in the night and at silly hours ie 4,5, or 6am. Getting into state is good. This constantly relaxation effort can only be a good thing for myself and my body.

When presented with books and book lists, I have begun to get excited. "I can PhotoRead these". I should get more book suggestions this weekend. Previewing a book is one of the greatest skills I have learnt and reinforced so far to date. PRing books from a library or well thumbed are easier when doing the photoreading step of the PRWMS. I've read all types of books, except fiction. In a variety of locations and times.

Moving forward, I am asking myself for an undeniable experience of PhotoReading success. Yet what is that? I am just wondering how I could test myself or prove to myself that it is working. Although this may put added pressure on me, I want concrete proof that the system is working, or I am doing it right...or just an aha moment.

Anybody wish to test me..recommend a book? How or where to go from here? I suppose you would have to ask yourself, how long would it normally take you to read book X and gain the information that you want from it. After all, PhotoReading isn't about photographic recall of a book and its material. It is getting the information and comprehension that you want in the time you have available, as they say.

Happy Travels



Matt said...

it's great to read your progress... keep it up and enjoy the experience!


AW said...

Thanks Matt.

To the next 15 days...Things planned if I can just fit them in.

Happy Travels