Tuesday 15 May 2007

To Read or Not to Read? 30 Days of Photoreading

I'm sure many or you have heard of PhotoReading. It is something I have heard of and I've even had the Home Study course for a very,very long time. Longer than I care to remember. In fact I've "PhotoRead" several books, yet never made the process part of my daily life. Thus, I feel I've never really experienced the reported full benefits of the PhotoReading Whole Mind System (PRWMS). If you want to know more on PhotoReading go to Learning Strategies or here.

Since I'm embarking on a multitude of directions, with many books to 'read' or at least have an understanding of. I feel now is the time to forge ahead, master and make the PRWMS a part of my daily life.

How many of us have books, we've bought, yet never read? Large PDFs and or eBooks on a computer, that are just stored, awaiting to be read? I’ve got lots and lots! How many of us have been given a book by somebody that is collecting dust on a shelf or two. Well now is the time to do something about it.

My goal is to PhotoRead and manually activate a book a day for the next 30 days. Yes this has been attempted to be done before, SetHigherStandards . In fact that is partial why I started blogging. To record my experiences. Yet Ravi seems to have stopped. Yet thanks to him, I've been introduced to several sites and books that really, really excite me, thanks Ravi! They may eventually be noticed over here in the UK. By which time, I want things to be full steam ahead for me and have things already up and running and taking advantage of opportunities as they present themselves.

PhotoReading for Me

PhotoReading isn't about knowing everything about a book. We don't do that naturally. Even in school. Knowing a book is being able to answers questions about the book content or forming your own questions and or opinions because of a book. If you think you need to know everything that is in a book. Stop and think for a moment about a book that you know well and talk about. Do you remember, know it inside out..100%? You know things that you remember, that are important to you to remember. Another way of thinking about it is describe your favourite film. You remember things that you liked or a quote because it had meaning to you. Not the entire script and backdrop.

In any given book the meaning is only carried within a few percentile of the written material. That is all that you need to know. That can be accomplished much faster with PhotoReading, than currently taught methods. Or that is the claim. I’m here to find that out for myself.

I’ve many smaller purposes ie. To formally preview 30 different books in a month. That in itself will make a big difference to me. I’ve a course reading list to get through. People have recommended books to me that would really help me, that are stacking up on my shelves.

Me the Reader?

Yet, I am not an avid reader. As a child I remember being forced to read out loud. I hated it. Yet most of my family adore reading books. I like reading books, only if the subject matter really matters to ME. Most subject matters don’t. I read very little fiction. I’d rather be told a story. I like to hear a story. Roll on, Harry Potter - The Final . I’ll be there in my car, in another kind of trance! Yet not everybody produces an audio version of their work. I’d like to read all the ‘classics’. Be knowledgeable in my chosen fields. I remember reading somewhere that reading and your vocabulary can have a direct impact on your earning potential, certainly in ‘old school’ work and companies.


In addition I’ve notice that if I want something, a goal, a dream. I have to do something, a step towards, even little and often to achieve it. When I went travelling recently for a year to various parts of the globe. There were many things to plan and do, if I wanted to make it a reality. Book Flights, injections, accommodation, paperwork. The year was a great success! I’ve now really begun to notice in many of my goals that I achieve, it’s the constant doing of something that has really helped. So now I’m applying that principle of mastering PhotoReading. In addition a ‘public’ declaration of intent is a great motivator to go out and do something!

Happy Travels


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