Tuesday 15 May 2007

PhotoReading - Day 1 - Hypnotherapy by Dave Elman

Day : Day 1

Time : 20:00

Location : At Home

Trigger Words : 25 – My trigger words are just what attracts me in the book and then I go to the index and wherever there is a word with many entries. If I don’t already have it down I add it.

Title : Hypnotherapy - Dave Elman

Purpose : Purpose. This is perhaps the most crucial step in the whole of the PRWMS. Without a purpose, why are you reading? I had multiple purposes for this book. Since I have to know the contents for an exam. Activation of this material shall be on going since it will be referenced throughout my course.

Perhaps the best way to get started attempting to find your real purpose is to ask yourself the questions posed by the course

  1. What is your ultimate application of this material?

  2. How important is this information to me in the long run? Is it important or worthwhile to me?

  3. What specifically do I need to know? What do I want to remember? An overview of specifics?

  4. How much time am I willing to comment RIGHT now?

I’ve heard about purpose many times? Yet it never really has sunk in. This time is did. Just answering the above questions really gave me many of ‘my’ reasons to read the book. Each section of the process you should reassess your purpose. Really usefully after finding trigger words. Has a word of section sparked your curiosity?

Prepare : I’m pretty good at putting myself into a relaxed state, although I still listened to the tape to put me in state. That way I cut out external noise and could really relax.

Preview : This is a ‘brief’ overview for your mind to the book. Is there something that really attracts you? Does it alter your purpose or create a question that you want answered?

Thoughts on Process : NOPS is really important. I keep reminding myself of this each time some negative or non important thought or chatter come into my head. I find water is really important to me as I begin to flip the pages. I have to have a drink before I begin. There is something about the process that makes me want to drink water. If I have internal talking whilst turning the pages I seem to grab several pages at a time.

My first Photo flipping session I make sure I have the book upside down and back to front. That way I tend not to focus on the words of a page. In addition Paul Scheele (PS), says that is what he does, so it can’t be too bad a way to do it. I don’t see the blip page, I never have done. I just focus on the white spaces around the edges of the text and attempt to keep my focus on one point in the centre of the two pages.

Time Spent activating and how : I spent in total 3 hours activating the book manually. This is much quicker than I would have spent even reading normally. I think if I was to read normally it would take me 5 or maybe more hours. I had questions that I needed answering. This I was lucky. I’ve been given questions from past exam papers, so theses were perfect questions to find answers for or mind probing. I also had some questions that I wanted answered for my own curiosity. I then Super Read and dipped the whole book and mind mapped (several large sheets) the details that I read. I’ll need to tidy them up before posing on line. This in addition acts shall act as a subsequent review of the material and maybe spark another question.

Some sections of the book I could have skipped, they just weren’t interesting to my current purpose. Yet I did go through the chapters and sections. I guess to test my gut feeling. The final chapter of the book is a list of FAQs. I stopped and said what is the one question that will have the most impact for me right now. My eyes fell on a question and answer that indeed I was curious about.

What is the one thing from the book that I can use right now in my life? : This for me was quite simple and at the same time startling. Within the whole book the thing that struck me was two beliefs to be held by a hypnotherapist. Or indeed anybody.

  1. This must work.

  2. I know this is going to work.
This struck me because if you hold this to be true about anything. I know that whatever you hold as such will manifest itself within your life.

Another thing that struck me was the idea of ‘locking your mind around an idea’. This was Dave Elman discussing the idea that if you get your client to lock their mind around an idea, anything is possible. He was talking in reference to anesthesia. Yet I thought, if you can and quickly get yourself to lock your mind around a positive idea, to the point where you believe it is true. 1. How quickly are you able to create this pervasive belief? 2.Can you teach others to do so? This has really sparked my curiosity. Another time and post, I think. Since there are belief patterns in NLP.

The Future : This will be rather interesting since, I am on a course about hypnosis and I know the lead instructor adores Dave Elman, there is a great opportunity for spontaneous activation and review. In addition I’ve some audio recordings of Dave to listen to. I wonder what shall happen?

That’s the first book…done. Well done if you’re read all the above.

Happy Travels


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