Wednesday 9 May 2007

Grab a Granny Brigage...not again

I don’t know about where you live, but where I do, very often I’m faced with the gang I term the ‘grab a granny lot’. These are often students in brightly coloured jackets, holding a clipboard and proudly displaying an id badge. They seem to pick ‘victims’ Excuse me sir, spare a minute at which point you swiftly go NO.

How come they always pick you? Very simply inside your head your saying don’t pick me, feebly. Therefore you’re saying pick me, so they do. Next time you see the grab a granny brigade. Stop, readjust yourself. Put on a attitude and say with feeling inside your head, come on then pick me…walk with a purpose…low and behold they don’t try and stop you.What else do you say inside your head, that manifests itself, even though you say don’t. How are you saying it to yourself?

Happy Travels


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