It isn't much of a secret I like Joe Vitale and much of his personal development stuff.I've yet to delve into any of his marketing and business related material.
This is pretty much Joe Vitale Success Stories recording.
I listened to Joe's Product X and my life changed. I can't wait to do one of these myself. This is the ultimate testimonial piece. For any product or person, testimonials are known to enhance a potential buyer's decision or choice. Without testimonials you are losing sales and or credibility.
Joe talks or reads a little, then voice over artists read the experience of others whom have had success with Joe's material. Within Joe's material there is an awful lot of repetition if you listen to his ideas about attracting what you want into your life. For me, it does sometimes seems,when he has a new way of describing what he already has said in a variety of products outcomes a new product.
If you notice he'll often say the missing secret or what I never have before told you about X,Y,Z. Even when each book, system or product is sold as complete and all you need for massive success. Repetition is good and an excellent way to learn, repeat or enhance your knowledge of a subject. Certainly if you follow people, on Twitter. So many are experts in the Law of Attraction or this and that.
Yet very few seem to come up with a revolutionary idea or thought. That is just my interpretation of what is going on. Yet as Joe rightly says different approaches work for different people. That is why you can have so many different products all doing and detailing the same information. Clients, customers need their way of understanding to make the change that they all want. Well, that makes my next product creation much easier and faster! Rinse and Repeat.
For me this is a great recording if you want a motivation pep talk, but not much else. I will however be listening to it again for that very reason. I think there are better things of Joe's to listen to if you want to change your life. I like The Attractor Factor and I can't wait to try (presupposes failure.mmm.) his The Secret to Attracting Money Home Study Course.
Happy Travels
Friday, 30 October 2009
Monday, 26 October 2009
Review - Tad James - Deep Trance Phenonmena
I find myself in the most wonderful hotel room and thinking I must write another blog entry whilst I can. This week I'm in Naples, Italy. Granted I'm on holiday,yet I have a few moments of down time before another excellent dinner.
After Richard Bandler's dig at Tad James on the last recording. I remembered that I had various recordings of Tad's that I need to listen to.
Once such recording is Tad's Deep Trance Phenomena Series. Much of the book on Amazon and the cassette recording that I heard are the same content.
As with many of Tad's recordings it is taken from a live training seminar. Thankfully Tad had set this up ahead of time and fully included, linguistically the 'home' listener. It is not just a recording of a seminar that the home listener can listen to and pretend to be there, yet isn't. Good Job! It makes a change to be fully included as a home listener and not as an after thought to make a quick buck.
I have heard various things about the live training that is comparable to this. In the past I believe this course was offered as a training course by the ABH. Listen to this and attend 2/3 days and be a trainer of hypnosis. Sorry that just can't cut the mustard. Yet maybe things have changed nowadays.
This recording is quite superficial in content and context. It is not meant to replace larger, longer or more in depth courses. Yet, I think it would be worth a listen to subliment your knowledge or before you attend another longer course. I know of others whom have used this and then had to give a demonstration of one the the presented inductions, using Tad's variant almost word for word, to raptious congratulations. The section on the history of hypnosis is pretty good. Tad talks about the contribution made by most of the well known hypnosis father figures and some lesser known figures.
I or many of my previous NLP instructors are from the Tad School of NLP and hypnosis. I'm certainly not convinced that this recording is by anyway enough to be a trainer of hypnosis. I think it will give you a good grounding in several different hypnotic induction techniques. Tad's use of hypnotic language patterns is very blatant. Yet, that I think is because I'm listening out for them. The lay person would not know Adam from Eve.
Tad spends time giving you the training hypnotist many examples of language patterns. Language patterns are something I am liking more and more.I am becoming far more facile with. NLP/Hypnosis language patterns was something that always scared me off. I think school may have something to do with it. Yet, something I have learnt is that it is never too later to learn the formality of language patterns. You just need to find your own 'hook' or strong enough reason that is FUN AND ENOJOYABLE, and you're away.
Throughout the recording he recommends books, books and more books. All of which you can purchase via him and the ABH. Although I've found most via Amazon or Alibris. I've gotten over my need for my books to be in sparkling new condition.
Naturally unless you are listening to the recording with somebody else or have a very willing person to help you. All, Hypnosis home study courses are let down my the fact that you can't do any of the inductions that are used and described. That is the nature of the beast. I think to improve on the product.
A DVD of the inductions and various language patterns in use should be included. Yes you can go to YouTube, yet it is just not the same and not everybody is in love with YouTube. I'm sure people are already starting to dislike all things Google, just like they did when Microsoft was becoming "all too big".
Happy Travels
Monday, 19 October 2009
Off Topic - How To Make Word URL Links Clickable in a PDF
I just had to share this with you.. It has been driving me crazy. I've been writing and writing and writing Word documents. These Word docs. contain lots and lots of url links to various websites.
In the Word document the url can be in the following format
Grab YourPowerful Subliminal Software Now! - url is hidden beneath the text.
Not all pdf printers or software is created equally.
I love pdfcreator. Yet, it would not create clickable urls without a 3rd party tool. The tool for me was far too complicated for my needs.
Most pdf printers are actually I think pdf copiers. Thus, yes, it will create a copy of your word doc into a pdf format, but it would not carry forward the formatting.
So, I went down the the Adobe Acrobat route. This is the daddy of all pdf creating tools.
Even when you would pdf a Word document with Acrobat not all urls links would be clickable. Some would, some would not. Wouldn't you expect it just to work:
The solution for me is as follows :
It all comes down to how your create a hyperlink within word in the first place
Within Word all looks good and clickable.

However when you pdf the document it is not clickable.
You'll have to edit the hyperlink properties. Right click on the url. Select Edit Hyperlink.

Delete any trailing \ that you might have on the url address.

Thus the address - will not always work - appears to always work
Next press the Screen Tip button. Add a Screen Tip. You should have this for the visual impared anyway.

Press OK, OK
For all intensive purposes the url will look the same, yet when you pdf it with Adobe Acrobat. The url will be clickable.

Thanks to for testing, advice and general all round Word Expert.
This has worked on Word 2003 and Word 2007.
Happy Days
I just had to share this with you.. It has been driving me crazy. I've been writing and writing and writing Word documents. These Word docs. contain lots and lots of url links to various websites.
In the Word document the url can be in the following format
Grab YourPowerful Subliminal Software Now! - url is hidden beneath the text.
Not all pdf printers or software is created equally.
I love pdfcreator. Yet, it would not create clickable urls without a 3rd party tool. The tool for me was far too complicated for my needs.
Most pdf printers are actually I think pdf copiers. Thus, yes, it will create a copy of your word doc into a pdf format, but it would not carry forward the formatting.
So, I went down the the Adobe Acrobat route. This is the daddy of all pdf creating tools.
Even when you would pdf a Word document with Acrobat not all urls links would be clickable. Some would, some would not. Wouldn't you expect it just to work:
The solution for me is as follows :
It all comes down to how your create a hyperlink within word in the first place
Within Word all looks good and clickable.

However when you pdf the document it is not clickable.
You'll have to edit the hyperlink properties. Right click on the url. Select Edit Hyperlink.

Delete any trailing \ that you might have on the url address.

Thus the address - will not always work - appears to always work
Next press the Screen Tip button. Add a Screen Tip. You should have this for the visual impared anyway.

Press OK, OK
For all intensive purposes the url will look the same, yet when you pdf it with Adobe Acrobat. The url will be clickable.

Thanks to for testing, advice and general all round Word Expert.
This has worked on Word 2003 and Word 2007.
Happy Days
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
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