Tuesday 5 January 2010

This is another post from www.eftmagic.com

In this post I’m going to share with you something that nobody else seems to be talking about, yet once known, understood and internalise what I’m writing about , i.e. it becomes a part of your understanding and your own thinking, it will quite literally knock your socks off.

When you have a problem or something you want, which you don’t currently have in your life. You tend to focus on one thing.

Do you know what it is?


But you know this already, right? Really? If that was the case why have you not cleared whatever is holding you back and got over your problem or got what you want in your life?

You see the problem isn’t your problem, it is what you are not focusing on.

What is bigger than the problem is NOT THE PROBLEM.


What is bigger than your problem, is not your problem.

Everything that is outside or your problem is available to you. Read that again. Your problem is the size of a pin head, the resolution and everything else is the size of the universe.

The whole point of EFT is to “balance out the disrupted energy” which is within your body so that either you don’t feel or notice the negativity and feel down or you get what you want. The only reason you don’t get what you want or still feel like ***** is because you’re blocking yourself on an ‘energetic level’ and vibrational level from getting and receiving what it is that you want. This all sounds very airy fairy. Yet, really that is what is happening.

I’ll go more into this in another post.

Yet, back to this post.

What is bigger that your current situation is NOT your current situation.


An Example

If you are in a room with a chair what can be said to be true?

There is a room and there is a chair.

Yet, there is also NOT ROOM and NOT CHAIR . By combining the what is there and the what is not there, EFT wise, things can be explosive.

What does this knowledge have to do with EFT?

Well you see, we all tend to just tap on the problem and yet EFT is a 360 solution. I think you have to acknowledge the rest of X that makes up the whole 360 of what it is you are tapping on. EFT is very effective when you tap on your problem. Yet, sometimes things don’t shift quickly or as openly and as you expect them to.

i.e. Even though I have this “problem”, I deeply and completely love, forgive and accept myself? Yet, what is missing from this statement? – NOT THE PROBLEM.

I’ll explain more and how to NOT EFT in my next post.

Happy Travels


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