Thursday 14 August 2008

Left The Office - Now The Next 4 Hour Work Week Project Begins


Just a little missive.

Several things to tell you . I've changed the rss feeds. It all seems to be working for me, yet you never know.. Sorry if it doesn't for you. It would be best to unsubscribe and resubscribe.

I'm working on my next passive income stream/project. This one is really testing my boundaries. I'm so excited though. It rocks. This is taking me up a level or 3.

Good Bye Office

Well it finally had to happen. I've left the 'office'. I am now on the road to fulfilling my dream to becoming a fully fledged 4 Hour Work Week Worker.

Well it is more a remote worker at the moment. It is sometimes very scary, yet at the same time bloody exciting. I know I have it in me to succeed. I just need to keep telling myself and going forward.

Watch TV it is the Olympics

It is all too easy to sit and watch the television.
Bemoan that the money isn't coming in as fast as I would like.
People aren't returning my phone calls.
Emails go un answered. blah....blah....blah.

You know what? It is easier to blame somebody else for your current circumstance. So be it. Yet to get what you want you now have to say.

I've created this, I can dam as well create what I want to0.

When did I think people would just lie down and help me? Don't get me wrong. Some people have and are just being fantastic. The moral is I've got to be more stubborn and go get what I want.

Japan in October, isn't going to happen unless I book the flights and manifest the cash flow etc. Somethings are worth going me!

Dear Readers,

Can you do me a favour? Drop me a line and tell me, what you would like to see on this blog. I'll find something for you as a gift, that I'm certain will add massive value to your life.. Thanks

Happy Travels


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