Tuesday 11 March 2008



I thought this might be appropriate for me. Given the lack of updates in the last few weeks.

Procrastination :
1548, from L. procrastinationem "a putting off," noun of action from procrastinare "put off till tomorrow," from pro- "forward" + crastinus "belonging to tomorrow," from cras "tomorrow," of unknown origin. Procrastinate is recorded from 1588

I've recently learnt or taken to heart that procrastination is actually fear. Fear of a result that I don't want. That I think will or might happen. I sometimes worry over the small detail, instead of focusing on the bigger picture. Why complete 95% of the work, when I can focus, pontificate, think about...ie not do anything or stop working because of the other 5%?

Then I remembered FEAR is just False Evidence Appearing Real. Once I started moving again on my projects and focusing on the end result : cheques and travel. The other details (5%) have just fitted into place or actually didn't matter as much any more as I could for now get around it. As somebody recently re told me again and again and again....just do it!

We've all been there. I always remember being in school and not completing an essay on time. I panicked, what would the teacher say or do. It was never as bad as I imagined.

To that I say..yes, although in my head that 5% seems so huge, a block that must be beaten or overcome. Which when working on all the other 95% is very quickly and easily done so.

So here is to beaches, cheques and pina coladaes....although maybe not in that order.

My advice to you is. Focus on the end result. When all is said and done just do it..Yes, that does take courage, a leap of faith, but then again, you want your end result right? Some people will say but you're not me, you just don't understand. I'm different. So be it. Stay where you are, it means there is even more space for me at the top.

Happy Travels


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