Wednesday 2 January 2008

New Year, New You, New Me, New Goals

The question is now...what next? I'm beginning to think as I always do at this time of year, what do I want to achieve next year. I've had a great year. I have really loved this year. I think before you begin to think about what you want to achieve next year and further it is a good idea to take stock of this year. I feel if you don't, you'll not realise just how much you have accomplished this year. Think, we all have a tendency to down play our achievements. Yet, if you are thankful and take stock of what you have achieved so far, and the year isn't over. Success and achievement can only bring more of the same. As I've written this, I've had a light bulb go off as to what I want next year (I want 2008 to be my most successfully year ever) How, when, where, why?

A quick review of :


Things I did - or those things that I can remember and things I've realised.

Travel - Japan, German, Fiji

Photoread over 30 books - how this all started

Passed my hypnosis exam, after 9 months of playing

Discovered my dad had cancer - is this why I've been learning about NLP and hypnosis?

Carried on playing hockey, when I was so close to quitting

Moved house, even if only temporarily

Turned 30 and loved it

Bought an entirely new wardrobe.

Got my car

Good health

Good teeth

Got a pay rise (even if it was very small)

Realised that I don't want to work at a desk for the rest of my life - ultimate goal, if I must work is to be able to work from anywhere in the world

I've a great family and some brilliant friends, a cracking girlfriend

Need, want or am worth a hell of a lot more money than I currently have.

I like to travel, love my country deeply, yet travelling is such great fun.

What Do I really, really want...What will I admit to myself that I really want? What would have to happen to make 2008 the best year I have ever had?

Happy Travels


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