Monday 24 December 2007

Talk Your Goals Into Existence

I've not exactly been the happiest person these last few weeks. Various things have happened that I've had to deal with. However everything does happen for a positive reason. One such is I've not been very happy with my boss. I often talk to myself...alot. Recently I've taken to talking and moaning about my boss. Then I stopped and said to myself wow...what am I doing, what am I focusing on? Low and behold, my boss really does get under my skin.

Then I thought what if I talk with all the emotion that I do about my boss and my current work situation about my future goals? So that is what I've started to do. Talk to myself as if my goals have already happened. I talk as though I've already achieved my goals as that is how the 'experts' tell us to write about our goals.

I now have X. Having X is great because I can now X.

I know 'physically' I don't have them in the here and now, yet I'm focusing on them and putting one hell of alot of emotion into the talking...In addition I feel really good having had a little chat with myself. Much better than moaning about my boss!!!

What could you talk into being?

Happy Travels


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