Tuesday 21 August 2007

4HWW - Money

Oh how I am beginning to love this subject. I am really getting into thinking about money, what it is and what it actually means to me. How to generate more. I seem to be hearing and picking up people's beliefs about money really easily at the moment. As I've said before if you just take what they say as fact, whether it is or is not. Isn't that how things turn out for people?

I've recently had another shift in my beliefs about the green,blue and red stuff thanks to Stuart Wilde's book. I was out and about over the weekend and I heard the following:

My quick research to begin your "shifting" about money is in red

There isn't enough

As a rough estimate the US has $7 trillion, the World bank more than $40 trillion - how much would you like?

Some people are smarter than others

Yes, maybe according to school standards and grades. Many of the super wealthy didn't finish school or university. Once you start working. You soon realise for many a job...your grades are useless. The sooner school teachers realise this the better.

There is scarcity

Same answer as the 1st point. If you think that, what are you focusing on???

There is not enough to go around.

Yes, much of the wealth is within less than 1% of a given population...yet how much money do you really want? Money after all is just energy, that is around you all the time. You use your credit card to book something on line. You don't see the money yet, it still get deducted from your account. Therefore if you think there is more than enough to go around, you can attract more into your account too.

Working for yourself to me means financial anxiety.

Ouch...if you think that, why go into business for yourself? There are many a self made millionaire. Tim Ferriss isn't doing too badly I bet.

For me I was just really pleased that I baulked at these and went phew..I think of something else, that is totally different. Yet I use to think of those and more. I know every now and then I have a doubt. Like when I'm looking at hotel prices in Tokyo. Yet, thankfully I seem to be able to pull myself up and out of that and into something that is far more financially positive. It did leave me wondering, don't people realise what they are saying. I know sometimes in my own experience that I don't . Then I do get an aha moment and I realise what I am saying. Although I don't always know how to change it..working on that.After all, if a phobia can be caused in a one time, split second event, why can't positive beliefs be got, held on to and lived? It's not important enough?

Happy Travels


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