Monday 6 August 2007

4HWW - The Beginning

So to the next project...

After an unanimous decision. It was about time I began formalising and implementing the ideas of Tim Ferriss and the 4 Hour Work Week. I've gone though this book multiple times and said to myself. That is good.I wish..Can I? That combined with The Secret . Then surely anything is possible.

The main idea from The Secret that has hit me is the universe can only answer = your wish is my command. Over the past weekend, I seemed to be hearing beliefs on all sorts of topics from many different people. Even if you don't believe in the ideas of The Secret. If you just permit yourself to think on just one idea. That, how you say, talk and feel about things, then that is how things will appear to you, ie your wish is my command.

This brings me to my point that as I go through the book and do the exercises, things will come up. What will I notice, what will I be saying to myself? How will I deal with them? I seem to be really good at picking up on other people's beliefs, right now, what about mine? Ponder that and then ask "your wish is my command". Therefore, I should change my syntax and words. Thus, begin to say to myself I know, I can, I am beginning to hear my less than positive beliefs, so that I can alter them to be more positive or the change the results that I receive.

Or...if Tim and others can do the 4HWW, so can I.

Happy Travels


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