Tuesday 22 May 2007

PhotoReading - Day 8 - Mars and Venus Together Forever by John Gray

Day : Day 8

Time : 1945

Location : Home

Trigger Words : 16

Title : Mars and Venus Together Forever – John Gray

Purpose : This was for me all about the ultimate application. Once I figured that out, finding information within the book was a doddle. I asked myself several times what is my ultimate application of the book. In addition to what can I apply right now in my life.

Prepare and Preview: Quick, simple and easy. Many of the key points and ideas are already bold typefaced, thus clear and easy. Much of the other text I found to be fluff.

Thoughts on Process : I thought I might have trouble activation the book, since I did have issues photoreading, flipping the pages. They seemed stiffer than even a new book. I did actually say to myself several times, oh this will be difficult to activate. Last night I photoread again the book from yesterday and the above book, with the purpose of dream activation

Time Spent activating and how : About 40 minutes in total. I don’t know if the books where activated via my dreams. Nothing leapt out at me during my dreams as saying, yes, yes, yes. This is due to the book. I think I’m normally pretty good at interpretating my own dreams. I think we all are. If you just stop and think for moment. Every now and then I find dreammoods useful as a guide to the more obscure symbols. I went down the table of contents and choose only those chapters that I thought might help me in my purpose. I mind mapped even less of the book, than I superread.

What is the one thing from the book that I can use right now in my life? : Like most men, I guess I need to listen more to the woman in my life. Although I did feel as though much was a mans’ fault, yet I thought a relationship was a two way thing? Then again my purpose wasn’t what can my woman do my relationships so I get more out of them.

The Future : Relationships are always on going and organic. Anything that will improve relationships has to be a good thing.

Happy Travels



Anonymous said...

Great that you are doing this. I stopped photoreading simply because I went on a month-long holiday (to India) where I didn't read at all. When I returned, I just got back into my old routine and didn't focus on it.

I need to start it up again and see how I fare. Will be tracking your blog and your progress!ht

AW said...

Thanks Ravi,

Funnily enough I'm off to Dresden, Germany next week. Don't know if I'll carry all the books with me. I'll see what I can pick up. Although I'll be taking along the top 100 words as recommended by Tim Ferriss and PhotoReading a German Dictionary that I have. Just to see what happens.

Then hopefully, off to Japan in Oct. I'll be full steam ahead on the learning of Japanese shortly, once the 30 days are up.

PhotoReading itself is becoming much, much easier. I even look forward to books, which I never use to!!

Happy Travels