Wednesday 2 May 2007

In the Beginning...

So, why blog?

For me it is very simple. I’m at a point in my current career, where another change is very much on the cards. I’m really enjoy NLP and hypnosis among many other things. This is what gets me up in the morning, every morning. Good day, not so good day. I read the books, listen to the tapes and wonder…really wonder, what if.

So having spent the last year travelling around the world and meeting some truly wonderful people, it is about time I ‘worked’ doing something that I really enjoy. I enjoy what I am currently doing, IT. Yet it just doesn’t get me up in the morning. NLP, hypnosis et al. Do!

Career Change

Currently, I am attending a very in depth course on hypnosis, based in London, UK. Afterwards I plan to start my own private practice and build a successful business.

There are many gifted people doing NLP and hypnosis already. Yet reading web sites and blogs etc. None seem to have detailed their learnings, feedback on things that didn’t go so well etc. They all seem to think they are experts. Starting a new business just happened effortlessly. Maybe it does. That is what we are all here to find out. I’ve several business formats I wish to apply, experiment with to build my own successful company.

First Exposure to the ‘Sciences’

I can remember when and where I was for my first‘formal’ introduced into NLP and hypnosis. I had just scraped through some exams at 18. I thought there has to be an easier way. I read books on memory techniques etc. I read and listened to all I could at the time on accelerated learning. In a book by Colin Rose. There were a few sentences on a technology called NLP and spelling strategy.. That was it I was off.

Happy Travels


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