Sunday 6 June 2010

Why Does EFT Work?

I’ve been pondering recently why is EFT so successful. I’ve come up with the following EASY reasons:

1. EFT is easy to learn
2. It can be done by you and on your own.
3. It can be done, anywhere, any time and on anything.
4. No need to book time off work or explain to others your absence etc.
5. Change thanks to EFT can be both rapid and gradual.
6. With EFT, when you do it. You are taking responsibility for your own life. You are at cause and you create the effect. Everything you do has a reaction…might as well make it a good one.
7. When you release negative emotions with EFT, you are living the universal law of the vacuum.

Let’s go a little deeper…

To read more click here

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