Friday 2 January 2009

New Year Resolutions - Don't Give Something Up, Do Something Extra


I've not started writing out my list of goals and things I want to achieve for 2009. In the past I've been a great New Year goal writer. Yet this year no. I already know what I want out of this year, both large and small.

I'm already basking in having already received my greatest gift for 2009. The end of 2008!

For me, there was much upheaval and quite frankly misery in 2008. I couldn't wait for it to be over. Thankfully it is.

Already in 2009, things have happened for me, which make 2008 seem like a distant memory. I'll detail these in future posts, since they will take some explaining.

For many New Year, means resolutions. For most it actually means loosing or giving something up. Well I say don't! Most of you will not stick to them anyway. You'll be miserable and back on the wagon in no time.

I say, don't give something up, DO SOMETHING EXTRA.

When I was growing up. I was told at lent, don't give up something, do something extra.

That is what I'm doing at the moment. Firstly I think you write out New Year's resolutions because you want something, you have an end result in mind.

A.Make the end result as positive as possible.

Maybe you want to loose weight..WHY? What is a positive reason for loosing weight?
  1. Get fitter
  2. Fit into those jeans or wedding dress
  3. Run with children at the local park
  4. Live until you're 90
For whatever the reason, make it as positive as possible.

How do you know if it is positive or not?

When you think about it, you will feel good. The end result will feel good to you. Don't worry about the how you'll achieve it. Just ponder about the end result.

B. Make Some Space For Your End Result

You can only achieve your end result, when you have space for it in your life.

As you look around you now, could your end result exist right now?

Think over your end result. As you do so, where could you make space for it in your life?

If you lost weight would you not need new clothes? Do you have space in your closet or wardrobe for more clothes? If not, make some. Give the clothes away. What about your fridge, do you have space for other types of foods?

C. Extra

Now towards you goal do something extra. It doesn't have to be directly related to your goal. i.e. Loose weight = join a gym.

One of my things this year is to meet somebody new every month, go somewhere new every month and to do something new every month.

This month I've already been to Kew Gardens, talked to a new woman at the post office and created more space than every before as I suggest in B. above

D. Small Simple

With anything you want to do, start small and simple. Just like in a relationship, we can all do the grand gestures. They are easy. It is the everyday simpler things that matter : a smile, a look and cheer, they make the difference.

So if you're wanting to improve your weight, why not walk for just 5 minutes extra outside on a Monday. If you don't think you have long to do spend going to the bathroom?

Happy Travels


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