Monday 9 June 2008

Silly Money - Reframe

I just caught myself quietly saying to myself the phrase silly money. It got me thinking I've got some work to do there. Then I thought were does that phrase come from . This I could not find out. I then went to my online etymology dictionary , here and did a search for the word silly. Again it would seem we've missed the original meaning of a word.

It comes from the O.E. gesælig "happy" (related to sæl "happiness"), from W.Gmc. *sæligas (cf. O.N. sæll "happy," Goth. sels "good, kindhearted," O.S. salig, M.Du. salich, O.H.G. salig, Ger. selig "blessed, happy, blissful"), from PIE base *sel- "happy" (cf. Gk. hilaros "gay, cheerful," L. solari "to comfort," salvus "whole, safe").

It now means weak and foolish. I am beginning to think it is us who are weak and foolish, not those of past generations

Happy Travels


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